WeeShare, the Sharing App

Share Your Things!

WeeShare, the Sharing App

Do you own a car, boat or a vacation home which is also used by other people? Do you share your outdoor equipment or a studio with friends? Or do you want simply to save lots of money while start sharing? Coordinate reservation requests and keep track of expenses and costs. Communicate with other users and let them know where the object is located. WeeShare lets you organize everything you share with others.

WeeShare is unique worldwide and was founded in 2011 in the sense of the real sharing economy. Sharing economy is not primarily about renting and letting, but about sharing. WeeShare is the tool that lets you share with confidence. Nevertheless, you can generate money with WeeShare - not with rentals - but rather with sharing expenses and costs.

Take WeeShare wherever you go.

Availability of the shared is important. You can reach WeeShare from anywhere. Use our website or download WeeShare to your Android or iPhone:

6 functions cover your sharing

The easiest way to share your property organized

Check the availability of an item and add bookings.

CalendarCheck the availability of an item and add bookings.

Specify an item location. Capture routes to distribute expenses fairly.

PositionSpecify an item location. Capture routes to distribute expenses fairly.

Track your expenses and distribute them among all users.

ExpensesTrack your expenses and distribute them among all users.

Send messages to everyone who uses this item or get in touch with a specific user.

ChatSend messages to everyone who uses this item or get in touch with a specific user.

Send messages to everyone who uses this item or get in touch with a specific user.

NotesProvide news and important information with notes.

Share your item with dedicated users or make it publicly available.

UsersShare your item with dedicated users or make it publicly available.

A mobile app to organize your shared stuff.
Booking and reservation system

Keep an eye on availability

With reservations / bookings you can ensure availability. Create a booking via the calendar and the participants will be informed immediately. With locking periods you can determine when the shared is not available. Aren't you travelling alone? No problem, record the reservation together with other participants so that the booking times are shared. You can then distribute costs and expenses to the booking times.

A mobile app to organize your shared stuff.
Cost and output system

Who owes whom? Expenditure under control.

Do you want to distribute all your expenses fairly? Should the users who use it most also pay more? The cost system allows you to automatically charge a price per hour and or KM. In addition, you can easily divide all or only involved users' expenses such as repairs, insurances and purchases. The balance sheet shows you whether you owe the other person or they owe you something. All new expenses and costs are displayed in chronological order in the chat so that you never lose sight of the big picture.

A mobile app to organize your shared stuff.
The position system

Share the position. Capture routes and distances.

Determine the exact location on the map so that people can instantly find the car, boat or whatever you want to share. Do you want to distribute the expenses based on usage? Or do you use one price per KM? Capture the distance traveled automatically or by simple input and you can distribute the expenditure based on driven or flown KM. Just as with the expenses and costs, the routes in the chat are also displayed clearly arranged in terms of time and costs.

Private sharing with WeeShare

Whether private or public, you decide who will share your stuff with you.

From people who use WeeShare

Get inspired by how WeeShare is used

Car sharing

Share a car

«We share a car in a group of 3 people and we are all the time up to date. We know where it is, who it needs and what it costs. Awesome!» - Sonja

Plane Sharing

Plane sharing

«I am a pilot and like many other private pilots, we share a plane in a group of 7 people. In the past we had a lot of troubles organizing it. Those problems are now gone.» - Peter

Vacation Home Sharing

Vacation Home Sharing

«With the app we orginze our vacation flat. It is very useful to have an overview of bookings and expenses on it.» - Marion

Boat Sharing

Boat sharing

«WeeShare is great on sharing a boat with friends. Nomore confusion on who has it when! Nice tool to organize.» - Markus

Flat Sharing

Flat Sharing

«We share all expenses on our beautiful flat. Internet, power, insurance, rental costs - all is under control, thx WeeShare!» - Till

Split Costs

Split expenses

«I accidentally found the app. Pure Luck! A trip with friends without any money disaster! Delivers what it promises.» - Rachel

Savings achieved
with WeeShare
(in USD)


Reduced CO2
emissions with WeeShare
(in kg)


Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy and your data. WeeShare takes all necessary measures to protect personal information against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure, manipulation, or destruction. All data and services are hosted on systems in Switzerland and any data traffic is protected by https. Any information you provide to us will only be used for the functionality of the WeeShare application and we will protect and process your data in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. We never do share any of your data with third parties. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding our privacy standards. You can find more information here: Privacy Policy